About Us
The SW Missouri Film Office believes that building a strong film economy and film culture in the Ozarks will greatly improve the quality of life for every Ozarkian.
The Film Office works to promote a smooth production process and provide industry-standard resources to productions in Southwest Missouri. We also coordinate with regional governments to ensure a film-friendly environment, provide economic impact reports of the industry on the region, and provide insight on working with film productions.
SWMFO is a resident company of the Gillioz with an office on THETHIRDFLOOR, a partnership
between The Gillioz Center for Arts and Entertainment and the Hatch Foundation. SWMFO is a
part of the Ozarks Film Foundry, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization committed to forging a
movement that leads to sustainable industries in film, television, and new media production in
the Missouri Ozarks
Key Services Provided By The Film Office
Educate | Facilitate | Promote

Educating regional governments and the public on how to work with film productions
Educating film productions on how to work in the Ozarks
Economic impact reports shared with local leaders and legislators
Register local productions
Facilitate communication between productions and key local resources needed for a successful shoot
Location & Production Databases


Marketing of the area to film production companies
Work with State and Regional partners to bring productions to Southwest Missouri